Welcome my fellow Infinitians!!! Here you will find the most pragmatic and realistic explanations related to your earnest inquiries concerning life, your purpose of existence, and the source of everything.

To put it in layman’s terms: get ready and buckle up your seat belts because here you will find how to actually be the best version of yourself by discovering who you truly are.

If you have noticed the tagline, I have already mentioned that you are Infinite. Most people, first of all, won’t be able to chew this up and those who could; will take it in an egotistical and pompous way.

So why do I say it? Well aside from the fact that you actually are, the main objective is to fire up your belly to make you excited about this wonderful gift you have been handed over in a silver platter called LIFE.

Though my ultimate aim is to actually make you realize that you truly are infinite, and not just as a theoretical concept but at an experiential level.

Only when you know who you truly are, you can make yourself strong enough to face any obstacles and come out victorious.

Now for some of you who may be wondering, “who is this retard trying to be shrewd by not giving a name, hiding behind a screen, thinking he/she can tell me how to live my life.”

Well let me tell you, I am not a Martian. I am not a hybrid ultra-tech AI project of Elon Musk’s Neuralink. I didn’t come from planet XOLO. I am one of the 7 billion 594 million 349 thousand homo sapiens living on the planet Earth.

Fun aside, the reason for the anonymity is that I wanna be known for my work and not by my name or my nationality. All that really matters is that whether you are benefitted from my thinking or not.

IF you are, then well and good, if you are not, I will see to it that you do, whatever it takes.

So, let’s get to it!!

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