Business and Finance Books

Here are some of my favorites business and finance books, in no particular order!



Steve Jobs by Walter Issacson 

steve jobs book

 Do I need to say any more about this guy? Just read it ALREADY!!


Elon Musk by Ashlee Vance 

elon musk book

They don’t make guys like him anymore!


The Wolf of Wall Street by Jordan Belfort 

wall street book

The thing I keep on insinuating again and again that, success doesn’t necessarily translate to happiness, and happiness does translate to success, hear all about it from the one and only Jordan Belfort. 


Way of the Wolf By Jordan Belfort

wall street book

Now, before you judge the guy for all of his vanity, profanity, and criminal activities, the guy’s actually a genius in marketing and sales. And this book simply hits it out of the park. 


The Hard Thing About Hard Things by Ben Horowitz 

business book

The cover page couldn’t have said it better!


Zero to One by Peter Thiel 

business book

 The true essence of INNOVATION is conveyed here beautifully.


The Lean Startup by Eric Ries  

 The best way to start a STARTUP!!


Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki 

rich dad book

The best guide there is, to achieve the mindset of becoming Financially Free.

The Intelligent Investor by Benjamin Graham 

intelligent book

The Bible of Investing. Anyone interested/working in the stock market must grab this right away.


One up on Wall Street by Peter Lynch 

 wall street book

Busting out the most common myths of the stock market.


Marketing Management by Philip Kotler

marketing book

If you wanna make it big in business, you gotta have this one.


The Richest Man in Babylon by Samuel Clason 

richest man book 

A perfect recipe for pragmatic, actionable, and effective Financial Wisdom.


48 hour Startup by Fraser Doherty 

startup bookTurns out, the author was pretty serious about the Title of the Book.


The $100 Startup by Chris Guillebeau 

 startup bookYou don’t need millions to start a company.


The 4-hour Work Week by Timothy Ferris 

 work book

Contains the most detailed and realistic solutions to escaping a 9-5 job.


The Wealth of Nations by Adam Smith  wealth book

Sets the foundation stone for any curious minds looking to explore the field of economics!


Unconscious Branding by Douglas Van Praet 

 branding book

For anyone who’s looking to discover the secrets to all the branding secrets, this is a must-read!


The Third Door by Alex Banayan 

 business book door

This book will unravel how humbly the most successful people in their respective fields started off with their careers!




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